August, 2010

Kanji Dojo Lesson 3

Kanji is one of four types of script (Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, and Roman-script) in Japanese. Let’s enjoy Kanji at Kanji Dojo with Mr Hiroshi Watanabe.

Shakuhachi Flute concert

A feast of world music with performances of traditional and original Japanese pieces featuring the rare talents of Andrew MacGregor, master of the Shakuhachi (Japanese bamboo flute).


September is just around the corner and anticipation for REEL ANIME 2010 is at fever pitch. Featuring some of the hottest animated features, direct from Japan, the Reel Anime festival is an exciting showcase and your only chance to catch this much eye-popping anime on the big screen. The REEL ANIME 2010 program begins September 2nd and is in cinemas nationally for a strictly limited two week season.

Hanami(cherry blossom viewing) Picnic

It would be great to see you all at the annual Australia Japan Society of Victoria Hanami Picnic.
Hanami is the custom of viewing the beauty of flowers, but it mostly refers to the Sakura or Cherry blossom Japan’s official national flower.

Exhibition: Immanent Landscape

If ‘landscape’ is something that reflects both inside and outside of our heart (KOKORO)… If, at one place, we gather artwork, which is expressed freely in response to multiple places … What would it be like, this landscape that could be shared beyond different generations, cultures or races…

Spring Gala Dinner & The AJSV/JCCI/JSM Golf Day

Spring Gala Dinner
The Australia-Japan Society of Victoria,Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry,and the Japanese Society of Melbourne request the pleasure of your company at the 2010 Spring Gala Dinner.

Melbourne’s martial arts expert, Shihan George

George Kolovos is the manager of a gym that specialises in martial arts in the CBD. His students and staff know him as Shihan (teacher or instructor in English) George. Several times a years, accompanied by some of his students, as a karate instructor George will visit numerous countries all over the world, including Japan, which he visits every year.

Australia’s largest Anime Festival

The Melbourne Anime Festival is back again this year! At the Melbourne showgrounds for 3 days August 20th -22nd. Starting back in 2000 this is the festivals 10th anniversary, and the turn out is expected to surpass last years attendance of 13,000.