September, 2010


There used to be a chef, who made his reputation that Tasmania has “the restaurant.” Currently he is located in Melbourne and still active as a chef. He is at a restaurant on.

Horse Bazaar

With the harmony of music, bar, technology and art mixing in this atmosphere, Horse Bazaar provides the ideal location for a night with mates drinking beers, wine or cocktails.

JET Program 2011 Information Seminars

The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program is designed to promote mutual understanding between Japan and other nations, foster international exchange at the local level and enhance foreign language education in Japan. Two types of positions are available:

Mari Funaki ‘Object’

Mari Funaki (1950-2010) was well known as one of Australia’s leading contemporary jewellers and metal-smiths. Working predominantly with gold and blackened mild steel, she was highly regarded for her distinctive geometric jewellery forms and sculptural objects.

Adapting for Distortion & Haptic

“Like a tin man with oil flowing freely through his veins, Umeda mirrored the pulsating score with an accumulation of motion.” New York Times

Attune to the Earth

This exhibition Attune to the earth will investigate the relationship between the form and pattern of the volcanic action and what we experience from the red paper sculptural work. The colour of the human blood is red. I see the volcanic magma lava as the blood of the earth.

My First Taiko Drum

About a three-minute walk from Collingwood station, you can hear that familiar sound coming from somewhere.
When you think of Taiko drums, what comes to mind?
Festivals, Summer, a strong beat, a towel twisted around your head as a headband and a Happi coat? I’m getting a little excited just thinking about it.

An Exhibition by Junko Azukawa

Renowned painter and calligrapher, Junko Azukawa, is presenting her exhibition Notes from the Heart at the Kazari Gallery in Prahran.