January, 2012

Kanji Dojo Lesson 8

Kanji is one of four types of script (Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, and Roman-script) in Japanese. Let’s enjoy Kanji at Kanji Dojo with Mr Hiroshi Watanabe.

Mince Cutlet

Recipe from {EIS} Japanese restaurant owner chef Mr Aoki.

Kumo Izakaya & Sake Bar

A Japanese Tavern (Izakaya), Andre Bishop’s Way

152 Lygon Street, East Brunswick VIC
TEL: 03 9388 1505

2012 Year of Dragon — 12 Chinese Zodiacs And Their Fortune

The Year of Dragon officially started on 23rd January on the same day of the new moon.
Once again, a very happy new year to all of you.
With the influence of the powerful flow of Yang energy (as in yin and yang), it is said that one may feel a little buzz and bustle in the year of Dragon. It is also a year in which success and failure may happen like big waves.

【ICHIBA JUNCTION】 What’s Burdook Root?

Burdock is a kind of roots, and has a strong alkaline. Its season is in the early winter and early summer. In Japan, Korea and some other Asian councty, eating mainly roots, in Europe eating young leaves, roots are also used as a herbal Chinese medicine for skin diseases.

Sipping with the Sake Master = Sake, warm or cool, that is the question =

Sake, warm or cool, that is the question.

One of the most often asked questions’ concerning serving sake is whether it should be consumed warm or cool.
In short, premium quality sake is generally brewed with the intention of it being enjoyed chilled. However there are always exceptions to any rule and there are indeed high quality sakes that drink very well warm or in some cases where the brewer has intentionally crafted particular sake to be enjoyed warmed.