August, 2012

Japanese is a part of me! Part 1

This year’s Australian-Japanese Language Speech Contest is about to begin!
But before that, let’s hear what 2011’s prize winner, Ronnen Leizerovits has to say about his experience!

Ensemble 3 – Debut Concert

Performing in a trio dubbed “Ensemble 3”, Masahide Kurita will be performing alongside cellist, Jamie Hey and pianist, Sonoka Miyake.

Date:31 August, 7PM

Wyselaskie Auditorium
Uniting Church Centre for Theology and Ministry
29 College Crescent, Parkville (Melway Ref. 2B D4)

$15 student / $20 concession / $30 adult

Ch.7 The Tea Specialist – ITO EN’s Tea Taster

Did you know to become a qualified ITO EN’s tea taster, candidates have to pass difficult exams on their overall knowledge on all sorts of tea? Mr. Kodama from ITO EN Australia will tell us more about how special tea tasters are and what exactly they do!