Hiroshima & Nagasaki Memorial Concert 2010

Warm up a cold wintery Sunday at a concert for peace.

Sixty-five years after the devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by nuclear blast, Japanese for Peace will bring together a diverse array of inspiring musicians, speakers and citizens of the world in a concert to celebrate peace and imagine a world without nuclear threat.

This 6th annual peace concert will feature acoustic performances from local, indigenous and traditional Japanese musicians, as well as powerful speakers offering the latest information and expert opinion on the abolition of nuclear weapons. You will leave feeling inspired and empowered to make change for peace.

Anne Norman – Shakuhachi
Dean Frenkel – Overtone Singer, Didgeridoo
Lee Morgan – Indigenous Musician
Liz Frencham – Singer/Songwriter
Wadaiko Rindo & Ayako Sato – Japanese Drums

Dave Sweeney – Australian Conservation Foundation

About Japanese for Peace:
Japanese for Peace is a not-for-profit organisation formed in 2005 by people of Japanese background living in Melbourne. We advocate the abolition of nuclear weapons and the renunciation of war through workshops, education, film screenings and an annual peace concert, featuring local, indigenous and Japanese artists.


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