FreeOptical –Christmas give aways!–


FreeOptical, an online optical store, is now giving away glasses to two people!

You can choose your own glasses, however Chloe and EyeDC are not included in this offer.

FreeOptical offers standard plastic lenses, glass case and lenses cloth for free. Free shipping is included. Under their 110% guarantee, if you are not satisfied with your glasses you can get a replacement within 2 weeks and 10% discount with your next order.

This gift does not have to be picked up.
★one time per person★
Team; – 26th December
Please send an Email to indicating “Christmas Present” in the subject line with the following details in the body of the message.

?Your choice of glasses from

?Daytime telephone number
?Your first, second and third choice of gifts
?Date and time for pick up of the gifts
*Applicants should be able to come to the “Japan in Melbourne” office between 10am and 5pm on weekdays from 3 January 2011. For more information please contact the office.
?Your three best restaurants and cafes in Melbourne in 2010
*Please indicate the name, address (at least suburb) and the reason why you would rate these places as your top three amongst other shops.

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