The one and only Teppanyaki in the world
Burwood Teppanyaki House was opened in October 2010 based on the concept, “new but old, old but new.” While maintaining the conventional style of Teppnayaki, the restaurant is trying to establish its own way of entertaining its customers.
Teppanyaki is internationally recognized as a Japanese cuisine. The Teppanyaki style of cuisine where chefs serve dishes over the counter is said to have originated in Kobe, Japan. In 1960’s in America, it transformed into a very popular new style of cooking where people enjoyed chefs’ amazing skills.
Burwood Teppanyaki House is trying to establish its own style with a combination of the conventional Teppanyaki.
“Once-in-a life-time table”
In a Teppanyaki style cuisine customers are seated around the Teppanyaki table. This presents an opportunity to know other people who share a table and have a great time with family and friends. For example, a customer introduces Japanese sake to person sitting next to them and they become friends. This would be a once in time memorable dining experience.
The chefs start cooking once they receive orders for the following reasons:
To serve fresh food to customers and
Not to waste any ingredient.
Watching the chefs’ prepare their meals in front of them, customers could ensure good quality ingredients have been used.
Burwood Teppanyaki house offers four set menus as below.
■Teppanyaki Set
Haru(spring) $45/pp Yama(meet lover) $58/pp
Natsu(summer) $59/pp Umi(Seafood lover) $69/pp
Aki(autumn) $79/pp Vegetarian $45/pp
Fuyu(winter) $99/pp Happy meal(kids menu) $25/pp
Head Chef甄 源新 (Simon)
Mr. Simon has worked as a chef for 15 years. He started his career in an Italian cuisine. However, when he first experienced Teppanyaki style of cooking and watched the chef preparing the meal in front of him, he decided to master the Teppanyaki technique. He has a lot of experience of working overseas including Yokohama, Hawaii, Singapore, Malaysia and New Zealand. In each country, he learned different style of teppanyaki which got him more attracted toward it.
What made him more deeply involved in Japanese cuisine was the Japanese chef’s amazing skill of handling fish. He was impressed to see how the freshly taken fish which had its flesh taken off leaving only the head and bone, resumed swimming as if nothing had happened.
He displays his amazing Teppanyaki skill that he acquired in his long career which includes entertaining his customers with jokes. Cooking in front of customers is very demanding and requires expertise; chefs cannot deceive customers’ eyes who watch every single move of theirs.
“MEGUMI beer has very soft and smooth feel and is a perfect match with Teppanyaki. You can enjoy Teppanyaki cuisine no matter how old you are. I enjoy entertaining my customers. I look forward to meet you in my restaurant.”
Ms. Kayoko, the manager of Burwood Teppanyaki House, said with her attractive smile, “Our customers have great fun here and there is always laughter. The more people there are the more enjoyable it is. Many customers, in fact, come to our restaurant with their friends or family. Please be entertained.”
The restaurant offers not only Teppanyaki cuisine but also a wide variety of a la carte dishes. There are two types of dining areas other than the Teppanyaki room: a table with nice view of the garden for those who prefer a quieter meal, and private room for functions which has a seating capacity of 40 people. You can use the restaurant for many kinds of occasions such as a wedding and birthday party.
Burwood Teppanyaki House
145 Burwood Highway, Burwood East VIC 3151
TEL: 03 98876688
(Lunch) Mon-Sun 12:00pm-3:00pm
(Dinner) Sun-Thu 6:00pm-10:00pm
Fri and Sat 6:00pm-11:00pm
Editor’s note
It was the first time for me to experience a Teppanyaki entertainment. I was really entertained by chefs’ jokes and shows and satisfied with the meal that was freshly cooked in front of me.?
Teppanyaki is a perfect match with beer. You can keep drinking without noticing the time. Cheers to Teppanyaki!
Editor’s note
It was the first time for me to experience a Teppanyaki entertainment. I was really entertained by chefs’ jokes and shows and satisfied with the meal that was freshly cooked in front of me.
Teppanyaki is a perfect match with beer. You can keep drinking without noticing the time. Cheers to Teppanyaki!