Vol.3 Hui’s Music Career: “the important aspect for the kids is to listen with a purpose”

Welcome to Vol.3 of the ‘Yamaha Music Teacher Interview Relay’.
Over four issues, we will publish interviews of some of the teachers in the newly opened Yamaha Music School in Carnegie. In these interviews, the teachers discuss their passion for music both in teaching and in their own lives.

–How long have you been teaching at Yamaha?

I have been teaching at Yamaha from 2008, this is my third year.

–Have you been playing the piano since you were young?

Yes, I started the piano when I was 6 years old.

–What is the best aspect of Yamaha Music School?

I think the best aspect is the methodology. I think the way it is designed matches the age of the children. I think it works well because it is designed so the child’s ability and development is appropriate to the material. The methodology has been really refreshing and really good for me as well.

–We feel the kids really enjoy the classes. What is the important aspect to teach kids?


First of all, I think the important aspect for the kids is to listen with a purpose.
If they are listening, they are listening for something that I might want them to find out.
For example there might be a high sound and a low sound, and what is the difference, or there might be something in the song which may be hard to know from words. But by using gestures, the kids absorb that idea and it becomes part of their music development.

–What do you want kids to be able to do in their future?


For me the class allows me to be aware of different musical elements, and I would like the kids to feel that they enjoy those musical elements. Something they can enjoy and learn, so that it’s not just necessarily playing the piano later on but playing other instruments as well. This gives them a very good start. It’s not just listening, but listening with a purpose and responding accordingly.

–Please give a message to new kids who want start music.

With this entry course, they will develop very basic keyboard skills but we don’t expect them to do it straight away. The course’s activities are designed with that in mind. But it is a very good start and whether they continue or not, it will be a good entry to the next Junior Music Course where they start to play and sing, or to music in general.

–And now, could you please introduce Brian?

Brian looks after the Drum classes at Carnegie.
Students vary from age of 9 all the way up to adults.
He teaches them in a flexible style, I too am very interested in Brian’s teaching style.

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