Landscape Garden Design Masterclass

Landscape Garden Design Masterclass: 'Creating Balance in City Life' with Professor Masao Fukuhara (from Osaka, Japan), 2009 City of Melbourne/ISS Institute International Fellow.

Design Masterclass – two only…

Two-Day Masterclass 1
Saturday and Sunday 8-9 May 2010

Two-Day Masterclass 2 (repeat of Masterclass 1)
Saturday and Sunday 15-16 May 2010

9.30am-5.00pm at the Melbourne School of Land and Environment,
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus.

This rare opportunity to learn from this internationally-renowned expert
in landscape and environmental planning is brought to you by the City of
Melbourne, in conjunction with the University of Melbourne, and is
supported by Landscaping Victoria and Kazari.

Registrations now open! – please visit AJSV's events calendar page or go to

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