Chado Urasenke Tankokai Melbourne Association 20th anniversary


Chado Urasenke Tankokai Melbourne Association will host the Lecture and Tea Gathering to celebrate its 20th anniversary at NGV International (The National Gallery of Victoria)

Please join our cerebration together with Soshitsu Sen XVI, Grand Master of the Urasenke Chado Tradition from Japan.
At the lecture, Grand Master will talk about “ the spirit of Tea”, after viewing DVD which introduces Chado ( the Way of Tea ).

At the tea gathering, four different settings on the theme “ tsunagu “ (loosely translated as “ to connect”) will be demonstrated.
Guests are invited to two settings during the session.
Please enjoy two different types of traditional sweets and tea.

Lecture of Soshitu Sen XVI
Date : Saturday, 5th November 2011
Time : 2pm-4pm
Venue : Clemenger Auditorium
Ground Floor, NGV Internaional
Cost : Free ( Places are limited, booking not taken )

Tea Gathering

Date : Sunday, 6th November 2011
Time : 1st session 5:30pm-7pm   2nd session 7pm-8:30pm
Venue : The Great Hall, NGV International, 180 St Kilda Road, Melbourne
Cost : $30.00 per person ( including two different kind of bowles of tea and sweets)

< Booking & Inquires >
Chado Urasenke Tankokai Melbourne Association Inc.

* Please write “ Tea ticket booking” in the subject line, and clearly state your name, contact number, the amount of tickets you want to purchase, and which session you would like to attend.

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