Join Mitch and Rovinna. Get involved in The Japan Culture and Art Festival 2011

Volunteers of The Japan Culture and Art Festival 2011

Mitch started learning Japanese about 8 years ago when he went to Japan. He passed the JLPT level 2 exam about three years ago. He thinks there are people who live in Japan for years but never learn much Japanese. Those people generally work for non-Japanese corporations or teach English in one of the big franchise English schools, so they can get by more or less by asking their work colleagues to help them whenever they need Japanese language skills. He wanted to learn Japanese so that he could talk more to everyday Japanese people and become part of the community that he lived in.

Mitch and Japan

1. What do you like about Japan?

I like the food! Also I like how people consider how what they do affects those around them. I think this is why people wear the face masks when they are sick, but also a big part of why the trains run on time!
Did I mention I like the food?

2. If you were to go to Japan, which city would you go?

Probably back to Gifu City which was my home in Japan for 5 years. I loved that it was a smaller city and surrounded by mountains. Gifu is a little off the beaten tourist track but still has quite a few interesting things to see and do. It’s also a great base in Japan, because it’s smack in the middle of the country.

About The Japan Art and Culture Festival

1. What are you in charge of in this event?

I’m helping out with organising the art exhibitions for the festival this year. I’m also trying hard to guide a social media campaign using Facebook, Twitter and the blog for the festival.

2. Can you tell us more about it?
I think the festival is a great contribution to the Japanese cultural events in Melbourne. Our festival focuses on getting people to participate, to try out things that they may have only heard about or seen before. I think it’s a great opportunity for people to find a new interest or hobby.

3. Why did you volunteer?
I volunteered last year as well, selling bento lunch boxes. It was a lot of fun and there was a great buzz in the air the whole day. I thought, “This is an event that I think I’d like to help out with some more”. So this year I volunteered to sit on the organising committee.

4. How did you know about the event?
I have a number of Japanese friends who teach at Japaneasy and I was asked to volunteer on the festival day last year.

5. Any difficulties you face during the preparation?
It’s a little scary planning for a big event when you can only guess how many people will come on the day. We had around 1600 participants last year, and with word of mouth and a bit more of a social media presence, we should get quite a few more this year. However, it’s still a big question mark!

6. What do you get out of this event?
I get a great satisfaction from watching all sorts of people finding things that interest them. Last year I saw people having their first Tea Ceremony, their first try at Taiko drumming, their first go at making Kirigami paper art and being shown how to play Shougi chess. My background is teaching, so I think seeing people being excited about learning new things is very special.

7. Will you volunteer again next year?
Absolutely! I think the festival is a very valuable event and I’m proud to play a part in organising it.
8. Please leave a message to our viewers.
I hope you can all make it to the Japan Culture and Art Festival 2011. I’m sure you’ll enjoy connecting with the culture, the art and the people of Japan in Melbourne. I know it’s a well worn cliché, but there really is something for everyone!


Rovinna has been learning Japanese for 2 years. She developed an interest in learning the language after picking up some words from Japanese dramas.


Rovinna and Japan

1. What do you like about Japan?
Perhaps everything.. I like the Japanese arts and designs, food, languange and of course the cultures.

2. If you were to go to Japan, which city would you go?
Tokyo, eventhough I have been there.

About The Japan Art and Culture Festival

1. What are you in charge of in this event?

2. Can you tell us more about it?
Reception areas – how we would like to welcome guests and take them to the journey of this festival; theme / presentation / display.

3. Why did you volunteer?
I did it last year and I enjoyed it so I like to have another go 🙂

4. How did you know about the event?
Mina san (founder of Japaneasy) told us about her idea and her wish to make this event happen (last year) and it did. Amaizingly it was successful even though it was the first year.

5. Any difficulties you face during the preparation?
Problems are part of anything we do in life and that’s the challenge! We tried our best to make this event enjoyable for guests.

6. What do you get out of this event?
A great feeling of accomplishment to be part of it and the friendship and team work we build during the process

7. Will you volunteer again next year?
Maybe (depends on situations)

8. Please leave a message to our viewers.
Many thanks to all volunteers and people who are involved in this event, whether its on the day, during process and preparation, behind the scene, every single help counts! Thank you for our guests. We hope you enjoy the festival and learn new things and hope you come again next year!

How to apply:
Please contact Japaneasy by mail or direct visit. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Minako Fujita
0422 266 308 or 0430 951 188
Level4, 126 Russell Street Melbourne, VIC 3000.

We are happy to announce our update regarding performers and workshops for this year, 2011.
These are not all finalised yet, but you can already feel the excitement and find out a little of what you will be able to see and do at the festival.
“Performances: Check what you can see on the stage!” (updated Aug 10th)
・和太鼓 Wadaiko
・沖縄三線 Okinawa-sanshin
・コーラス Choir
・篠笛と太鼓 Japanese flute and drums
・フラダンス The hula dance (Maybe)
・琴 Koto – Japanese harp
・音楽と映像 Music+Screen
・寸劇 skit (Maybe)
・ブレークダンス break dance
・アコギバンド Japanese acoustic band
・ピアノ演奏 Japanese Piano Song

… and more! 

“Workshop … what you can try! ” (updated Aug 10th)
1、切り紙  Kirigami
2、折り紙 Origami
3、茶道 Tea ceremony
4、剣玉  Kendama
5、将棋  Shogi
6、碁  Go
7、日本旅行ミニレッスン  Japanese travel mini lesson
8、俳画  Haiga – brush and its art
9、沖縄三線 Okinawa sanshin
10、和風アート Japanese art
11、アートグループ Japanese art 2
12、パステルアート  Pastel art
13、JLPT試験対策 JLPT exam hint
14、マッサージ Shiatsu Massage
15、野球 Baseball (Maybe)
16、剣道  Kendo
17、ヘアスタイル Hair style arrangement (maybe)
18、和太鼓 Wadaiko
19、 書道  Shodou

and more!

There will be more performances and workshops – we will update again soon!

Also, if YOU or YOUR FRIENDS want to perform or teach something (preferably related to Japanese culture), Please contact us! We are still looking for more people!

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