Yamato Nadeshiko – Same





Name Same
Age 25
Occupation Website management
Home town Mie
The length of the stay 8 months
What is the main theme of your fashion today? “Keep warm” because it’s raining today.
What do you do on holidays? Cook in advance and freeze.
Which is your favourite cafe or restaurant? Joomak
Which is your favourite suburb? Pakenham
What is your dream in the future? Nope (>_<)
What do insist when comes to fashion? In order to get the real bargain, I will walk into different styles of boutique
Any tips on beauty? Eat what your body needs


Today’s Item:
Coat: Borrowed from my friend, Yuki
Shawl: Forever New $30
One-piece dress: DFO
Shoes: Big W $300
Earrings: Handmade by my beloved co-worker
Watch: Victoria Market (Suzuki Night Market) $30



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