Finally Out! Workshop line-up and stage programme for the Japan Culture and Art Festival 2011

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The workshop line-up and stage programme for the Japan Culture and Art Festival 2011 on Sunday 27th November is finalized!

This year, they have enhanced the element of audience participation and have invited more artists from Japanese and other cultural backgrounds to support their aim to promote Japanese Art and culture – music, art, workshops as well as fund raising section.

From the traditional Shodo (Japanese Calligraphy) and origami, to pop culture like gal makeup and manga drawing, this is a festival for everyone to enjoy.

Don’t miss it! Bring your family and friends along and immerse in the Japanese culture on 27/11!



Join them on this special day. You can feel Japan, have a great experience by meeting great people and cultures.
(Most of booths are free to try, however please understand some booths have to charge a little bit to cover its material fee and/or to donate to Japan disaster in march)

1: Beads Jewelry ビーズアクセサリー作り
2: Calligraphy 書道
3: Calligraphy Art 書道アート
4: Cards (traditional Japanese playing card) カルタ
5: Eco-Craft エコクラフト
6: Face Painting & Kabuki 歌舞伎&フェイスペインティング
7: Flower Arrangement 生け花
8: Gal Make up ギャルメイク
9: Go 碁
10: Haiku 俳句
11: Hair style ヘア・スタイル
12: How to use Chopsticks 箸の使い方
13: Japanese Chess 将棋
14: Japanese Dance 日本舞踊
15: Japanese Paper art 和紙アート
16: Japanese Paper Dye 和紙染め
17: Japanese Swords 居合道
18: Japanese Travel Conversation 旅行会話
19: JLPT Exam Hint 日本語能力試験対策
20: Kanji 漢字
21: Kendama けん玉
22: Kimono Wearing 着物着付け
23: Kirigami 切り紙
24: Manga Drawing 漫画の描き方
25: Nail Art ネイルアート
26: Okinawa Sanshin 沖縄三線
27: Origami 折り紙
28: Origami Ball くす玉作り
29: Pastel Art パステルアート
30: Quoits 輪投げ
31: Radio DJ Experience ラジオDJ体験
32: Shiatsu Massage 指圧
33: Soroban そろばん
34: Sumie 墨絵
35: Sumo 相撲
36: Tea ceremony 茶道
37: Wadaiko 和太鼓



11:25 Opening Ceremony 開会の挨拶 by Japanese Consulate Consul General 日本領事館総領事
11:30 SUMO Ring entering ceremony / 相撲 土俵入 by Victorian Sumo Association 
11:35 Chaos Melody(Visual band)
11:45 KODAMA (Rock Shamisen)
12:25 ASAMI (Acoustic Pop)
13:15 SUMO / 相撲 by Victorian Sumo Association 
13:25 IAI-DOU (Japanese Sword Demonstration)/ 居合道 by 清心館 (SEISHIN KAN)
13:35 HULA DANCE / フラダンス by HULA☆Gipani
13:45 Ninja Circus -Kunoichi Girls Only- / 忍者サーカス
13:55 NIHON BUYOU (Traditional Japanese Dance) / 日本舞踊 by 日下部澄子(SUMIKO KUSAKABE)
14:05 Taste Of Chai  (Acoustic music)
14:15 DEAN HAITANI (Acoustic music)
14:35 Japanese Harp + Flute / 琴 + 篠笛 by  Ichimadin(Chiemi) and Ayako Fujii
14:45 Jiuta-Mai (Japanese traditional fan dance)  地舞唄 by Susan
14:55 Japanese Shinobue Bamboo Flute & Taiko ensemble 篠笛&太鼓アンサンブル by 笛福朗(FUEFUKURO)
15:05-15:15 SANSHIN (Okinawan Music) / 三線 by Ichimadin with Ayako Fujii
15:20 Daigo Nakai Trio (Jazz)
15:35-15:45 CHOIR / 合唱 by Sweet10ants
15:50 WADAIKO RINDOU 和太鼓竜胆
16:00 WADAIKO WORKSHOP 和太鼓竜胆ワークショップ
16:10 WADAIKO + Calligraphy performance by 和太鼓竜胆 + Shin5
16:20-16:25 Closing session / 閉会の挨拶 +  CHOIR/合唱「SUKIYAKI / 上を向いて歩こう」

Click here to download the stage programme.

**Japan Culture and Art Festival 2011**

Date: Nov 27th Sun 11:00am-4:00pm
Place: Collingwood Town Hall, 140 Hoddle Street
Door charge: $5 *It is free if you are in Kimono, Yukata, Jinbee

Official Website

Video clip from last year (2 minutes)

Facebook Community

Article from last year (in Japanese)


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