Music in our Eyes – Deena and Aaron

English    Japanese


Introducing two YAMAHA students who are Deena and Aaron.

They have the drum class at YAMAHA music education center in Carnegie. We asked them how they think of drums and music.


Deena(D)                                                      Aaron(A)


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When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums…

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— How long have you been in this class?

D&A: a year and a half.


— Why did you choose playing drums?

A: I chose playing drums because I like the sound of it. I learnt to play violin in high school. When I got older I tried guitar. Then much later I wanted to try violin again but didn’t because I’ve been listening to lots of varieties of music I found a song that I really liked, which was by Phil Collins, “in the air tonight”. The way he played his drum fills with the tom-toms created sound like lightening and thunder. That attracted me to drums. That’s why I want to play drums.

D: I chose to play music especially drums because I think it helps break the routine from my life. Release tension, especially with the drums and also because life is a blank canvas and we have the opportunity to add colours on the canvas. I think music adds a lot of colours in life and it makes you alight.

Always revise on how to hold sticks and how to start the beat in the beginning of the class to consolidate basic skills

— Why did you choose YAMAHA?

A: It was referred to me by a friend. I actually had private lesson somewhere else but it wasn’t a proper institute, so a friend referred me here. I found that it is between work and home.

D: I chose YAMAHA because I wanted to learn to read notes as well because I know private lessons they don’t really teach about notes. So I think it’s important to learn how to read (notes). It gives you an added advantage. I know a lot of drummers don’t read notes but I think if you know how to read notes, it sort of gives you an advantage.


— Could you please tell us more about the class and your teacher?

A: It’s been fun from the start. We make mistakes and we learn from each other. We feed off each other. Woody is a gentle, patient and easy-going. He helps us any way he can.

D: especially when you fumble and make mistakes. It’s a great class having two students in a class, you learn form each other. I think it helps you to give you the confidence as well when you see your fellow friend playing. And you feel like yea, I wanna do it too because he can do it. So I think it’s very good fun. Woody is a great teacher, he teaches very well. If we struggle, he takes a lot of time and patience to teach us through. I think that’s a plus point. No complaints.

▲Teacher Woody. His is good at teaching.

— After finishing this course, what do you want to do with drums?

A: I will still continue to play, hopefully in a band one day. Because I belong to a church and would like to play with the band. Would like to write my own song.

D: I’ll continue to learn as much as I can. Hopefully I can be a really good drummer. I’m aiming for that. Maybe part time if there is opportunity to just perform in a band, with a band, I’ll do that. See what opportunities come by. It helps release tension in life.


— Who is your favourite drummer?

D: They’re all cool. All drummers are cool.

A: I don’t have a favourite drummer but by listening to lots of music have found that they’re all very good. I mean there are many styles of drummers out there and everything you listen to, you can learn from.

D: They are all good and they are all cool because they are drummers. Like Aaron said, we can learn a lot from them and they’ve got different skills and styles which give us the urge to learn more.



— What sorts of music and artists do you like?

A: I like all music and as for artist I don’t know anyone else apart from Phil Collins.

D: Rock music, I think Linkin Park.


–What is music to you?

D: Music is life.

A: An expression of freedom isn’t it?


— Thank you.


In the next issue, we will have a closer look at  drum and music lives individually… stay tuned….


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YAMAHA music education centre Carnegie
Level 2, Carnegie Central,Corner Koornang Road and Princes Highway,
Carnegie VIC 3163
TEL: 1300 139 506
Melways Ref: 68 J3

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