How about a Excursion Seminar in Japan

Are you interested in a school excursion experience in Japan? Japan National Tourism Organization is having some great news in store for you! The following is their original media release. Mark the day on your calendar! Oh and make sure you RSVP by email!!


Japan School Excursion Seminar

Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) cordially invites Teachers / Representatives
of educational institutions or departments / PTA to attend "Japan School Excursion Seminar".
Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to learn more about Japan – for a truly unforgettable school excursion experience.
Consultations with school excursion tour operators will also be available on the night.

Venue : Rydges Melbourne
Carousel & Phantom Room
186 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Date : Friday, 18th May 2012

Schedule : 17:00 Registration, 17:30-19:10 Presentations, 19:15-20:15 Networking Session
**Program is subject to change.

Presentations expected from:
– Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)
   Sydney Office (
– Japan School Excursion Case Study (TBC)
– NARA (
– APPI Resort (

Please send your RSVP by email to the Secretariat of Japan School Excursion Seminar by Friday 4 May.
Please include your name, school/organisation/company name, job title and email address.
Please note in advance that places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

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