The barley tea is one of the teas which have been drunk habitually as Japanese summer representative drink for a long time. There are many families where a product has barley tea always ready at home in Japan. It is suitable infants to drink because it does not contain stimulants such as caffeine, and fully contains a mineral.
The record that a noble of the Heian era (794-1185) drank “barley tea” is left in Japan. “Barley tea selling” stalls were popular in the Edo era (1603–1868), and “roasted wheat” was purchased by general families in the Meiji era (1868–1912) and came to be drunk.
▲Roasted Barley Tea (Tennen Mineral Mugicha) 20p $6.10
▲Roasted Barley Tea Bags (Kaori Kaoru Mugi Cha) 54p $8.00
(click the images for the details)
▲Health Benefit
Antioxidant Action
Cancer disease prevention, Lifestyle-related disease prevention
Protection of Mucous Membrane of Stomach
Because it is caffeine free, stomach does not get rough and is effective in suppressing the wound of the stomach.
Smoothing Blood Flow Effect
Pyramin which is one of the component materials is effective in keeping blood flow smooth. It can be expected arteriosclerosis prevention and stroke prevention. In addition, it is logical to drink barley tea in summer because people sweat well and internal water leaves, so blood is easy to become muddy in summertime.
Barley tea with a pack is mainly distributed now. In addition, it is good to follow the brewing method on a package to brew delicious barley tea.
After all both the taste and the fragrance are different from the tea with a pack in old days because roasted and then brewed barley grain to bring out the flavour. Fragrance increases by 60%, 17% rise of umami taste, and fragrance rises more than three times, so it seemed to be different dimensional taste.
herefore let’s reproduce the taste and fragrance with barley tea with pack. You could understand the taste and fragrance difference.
▲How to blew deliciously with packed barley tea – method of steamed hot water and brewed in water
① Pour hot water to a pack and steam it for one minute. The amount of hot water is barley to be soaked (necessary for a grain to swell out).
②Put it in 1 litre of water and extract it for one hour.
* Put a pack longer if you prefer strong taste, but take it out in around two hours maximum.
③Sprinkle a pinch of instant coffee powder to improve fragrance markedly.
** Because taste varies according to a kind of the coffee, there is the one which does not match with barley tea. The taste changes by quantity to add. So please give a trial from small quantity and find favourite quantity. In addition, if worried about caffeine and worried about serving a child it by adding coffee, it is OK not to add coffee powder.
Generally, it is drunk as cold barley tea, but it is recommended the hot barley tea in winter. Enjoy!