Ensemble 3 – Debut Concert


English – Japanese

Do you still remember the interview we did with flutist, Masahide Kurita? Guess what, he will be performing in Melbourne on the 31st of August!

Performing in a trio dubbed “Ensemble 3”, Masahide Kurita will be performing alongside cellist, Jamie Hey and pianist, Sonoka Miyake.

Although it is their first time performing together, it will definitely become an unforgettable debut performance!

Ensemble 3 – Debut Concert

A musical performance featuring Masahide Kurita (flute), Jamie Hey (cello) and Sonoka Miyake (piano)

H.Okumura – Jahresanfang in Japan (flute, cello and piano)
A.Piazzolla – Oblivion
T.Muramatsu – Earth (flute and piano)

and many more!

31 August, 7PM

Wyselaskie Auditorium
Uniting Church Centre for Theology and Ministry
29 College Crescent, Parkville (Melway Ref. 2B D4)

$15 student / $20 concession / $30 adult

Tickets can be purchased at the door or pre-purchased by contacting the following


Mob: 0412 081 549

Want to know more about Masahide Kurita?
Check out his interview over here! 

Want to score some free tickets?

Exclusive to JIM readers, we will be giving away a pair of tickets to one lucky reader!

To enter, all you need to do is send an email to editors@gogomelbourne.com.auwith your full name, contact number and your opinion on JIM! Please remember to mark the subject of the email with “Ensemble 3 Ticket Giveaway”.

Entries must be received before 11:59 PM EST on Sunday 19 August. The winner will be notified via email on Monday 20 August.

Good luck!


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