Japanese is a part of me! Part 1

Japanese – English

This year’s Australian-Japanese Language Speech Contest is about to begin!
But before that, let’s hear what 2011’s prize winner, Ronnen Leizerovits has to say about his experience!


When did you start learning Japanese?

The opportunity to start learning Japanese began 5 years ago when I chose it as an elective subject. The reason why I chose Japanese was because I knew things like Pokemon anime, manga and games originated from Japan. When I graduated from high school, I decided to join the Japanese Club in university. I look forward to the Japanese conversation sessions each week.


What were the challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?

The thing I found most challenging when studying Japanese was definitely the pronunciation. I learnt a lot from my Japanese tutor and I found it helpful listening to a lot of pod casts – especially Japanese Pod 101.


How about the Japanese speech contest, why did you participate in that?

Actually, it was my Japanese tutor who said I should give it a try. We did 2 months of preparation in which we learnt the required vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. I was pretty nervous on the day of the contest, but I was able to do my best because my tutor came to support me.

By winning the sister-city prize you were able to visit Japan. What was your impression on Japan?

That time, I was able to visit Tokyo, Osaka, Takayama and Sapporo. My host families were very nice people and taught me many things. By chance, I was able to participate in a free piano jazz session in Tokyo. In Osaka, I went to Osaka Castle and the Kaiyukan Aquarium. When I spoke with the locals, I encountered some people speaking in Osaka dialect which I thought was interesting. I felt that the Japanese people I met were very welcoming and cheerful.

The 3 week trip was short, but it was from this experience that made Japanese apart of my life.

Do you have any final messages?

I thought last years’ experience was quite enjoyable so I’ve decided to participate this year as well. I hope everyone is able to participate and watch as well!



43rd Australian Japanese Language Speech Contest – Victorian State Final

Each year, Japanese-language students who are 17 years old + are invited to participate in the annual speech contest. It is an ideal opportunity for leaners to utilise their language skills and convey it to a Japanese audience. Even if you do not participate, we still welcome you to come and support the contestants.

Winners of each division will be able to participate in the national contest held in Sydney on Saturday 13 October 2012.

For more information about the speech contest and details including, contest guidelines and application form etc. are available through the Consulate-General of Japan (Melbourne)’s website.



Final Application Date:

Wednesday 5 September 2012


{State Final}

Date: Sunday 16 September 2012

Admission: Free

Venue: Swinburne University, ATC Auditorium, 427 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn, VIC 3122

Next time we will be interviewing Jae Lee, the national winner of the open division in 2011! Until then!


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