Kuss Quartet and Naoko Shimizu

(C) Music Viva

Making its Australian debut, Berlin’s most fascinating quartet meets this internationally acclaimed Japanese violist to showcase some of the world’s most beautiful string quintets. Like a finely tuned machine, humming and full if life, this is one of the best string quintet performances you are ever likely to hear. The Kuss Quartet is a regular at Carengie and Wigmore Halls and Shimizu is the first female Principal Viola from Belin Philharmonic.

(C) Music Viva

Naoko is one the world’s greatest music achievers, achieving the role of a principal artist within an orchestra considered by many to be the world’s greatest. Naoko will be performing together with The Kuss Quartet, a group formed in 1991 with a disciplined and inquiring approach to chamber music. The combination of these artists will be both exciting and inspiring as they perform a variety of works composed for string quartet and quintet.

From classics by Mozart and Brahms to a world premiere by Kerry, these five musicians perform the landmarks of the string quintet at the highest possible level.

(C) Music Viva

Jana Kuss – Violin
Oliver Wille – Violin
William Coleman – Viola
Mikayel Hakhnazaryan – Cello
Naoko Shimizu – Viola

Program 1:
Tuesday 18 September 7PM – Meet the artists after the concert

KERRY String Quintet (2012)*
SMETANA String Quartet no 2 in D minor (c 1882-3)
KURTÁG Officium Breve in Memoriam Andreae Szervánszky, op 28
MOZART String Quintet no 3 in C major, K515

Program 2:
Saturday 22 September 8 PM – CD signing after the concert

KERRY String Quintet (2012)*
MOZART String Quartet no 21 in D major, KV575
KURTÁG Officium Breve in Memoriam Andreae Szervánszky, op 28
BRAHMS String Quintet no 2 in G major, op 111

Admission: $35 – $103
Venue: Melbourne Recital Centre, 31 Sturt Street, Southbank
Website: melbournerecital.com.au


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