Intensive Japanese Course

Improve your Japanese proficiency in 2 days!
Attend the LTU Intensive Japanese Course!
There are four courses:
(A) 1st year beginners Kanji course: 9:00am-12:00pm each day
(B) 2nd year beginners/ 1st year advanced Kanji course: 2:00pm-5:00pm each day
(C) 2nd year beginners/ 1st year advanced Conversation course: 9:00am-12:00pm each day
(D)1st year beginners Conversation course: 2:00pm-5:00pm each day

This course is aimed at students with some knowledge of Japanese who wish to improve their conversation skills and kanji proficiency. VCE students will also find this course useful.

*Please note this course will NOT attract credit points for a LTU degree.

Time: See above
Venue: La Trobe University City Campus (215 Franklin St, Melbourne)
Rooms FS 229, FS 230 & FS G04
Instructors: Mr. Hiroshi Watanabe (Kanji) & Ms. Noriko Wakai (Conversation)
Tuition fee: $75 per course (3 hours x 2 days).
In addition, Kanji course participants are required to purchase a booklet for $5:00 on the first day from the instructor.

Course structure: 
– Each course will run for two half days (2 x 3 hour sessions)
– Students have the option of taking one or both courses (Kanji/Conversation).

(A) Kanji course for First Year Beginners: Mon-Tue 9.00-12.00
• Learn 80 kanji in two days, using the Story Method and Kanji card games.
• Pre-requisite: The following 40 fundamental kanji should be learned before the course.

(B) Kanji course for Second Year Beginners/First Year Advanced: Mon-Tue 2.00-5.00
• Revise 80 kanji and learn 80 new kanji in two days, using the Story Method and Kanji card games.
• For VCE students, hints for further kanji study will be provided.
• Pre-requisite: The following 80 fundamental kanji should be learned before the course.

(C) Conversation Course for 2nd Year Beginners/ 1stt Year Advanced: Mon-Tue 9.00-12.00
• Learn how to use appropriate Japanese in some typical Japanese situations.
• Learn how to make your sentences sound more natural using a few advanced grammar tricks.
• Improve your pronunciation with tips to help you sound more like a Japanese speaker.

(D)Conversation Course for First Year Beginners: Mon-Tue 2.00-5.00
• Improve your conversation skills by learning to use Japanese in “real” situations.
• Learn how to build on your current knowledge to make more complex sentences.
• Improve your pronunciation with tips to help you sound more like a Japanese speaker.

Please pay the tuition fee by cheque by 5 July 2010. Please make cheques payable to “La Trobe University” and send to Asian Studies, Room 411, Social Sciences Building, La Trobe University 3086.


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