Drunk Talk: Asahi Off 24 cans

Sometimes we just need to take sometime OFF


Beer: Hey~ How’s everyone?

Sake: What on earth are you doing here in MY Sake Learner’s Drunk Talk Column?!
Beer: To be introduced and loved~~~

Sake: In case you don’t know, only quality products can show their faces here.

Beer: Exactly! That’s why I’m here~~~

Sake: Wha, I, you… YOU! Go away, you bug repellent spray! What’s that OFF! mean anyway?


Beer: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. Didn’t you learn that from school. Aw! You are in my way!

(Sake got kicked off the stage)


Yeah yeah… these sort of dramas happen every minute of everyday, like…

*A mother woke up at 5am and made an obento (packed-lunch) for her dear boy who later said he’s having his brekky at Macca’s with his mates.

*A fresh graduate on his way to a job interview in his best black suit got comments from his interviewer that the bird poo on his right shoulder looked cool.

*A cute girlfriend had a haircut at this top hair salon but the first thing her boyfriend said to her after her new hair-do was “did you gain weight?”

*This bloke in his elder brother’s convertible hit the car in front of him only found that his car license’s still at his ex’s place.

Big fat mistakes at work? Failed a subject at uni? Got cheated (whatever it means)? Missed a stupid train? Rumors, gossips… You know better than me.

Finally, just when one sits down and ready to down a beer on the couch, the stupid TV/ mag/ newspaper flashes another mind-your-waistline ad. Great! Another bummer…!

We are in a sake business but we are also in the make-you-feel-good business. So may it be sake or beer or other beverages made in Japan, we bring them in for you as long as they are good stuff.

Asahi Breweries

Who doesn’t know Asahi Breweries? The brewery of THE oh-so-famous ASAHI SUPER DRY, started its business in Osaka in 1889. It was called Osaka Brewing Company initially. Asahi has been the pioneer of the industry, for example they introduced Japan’s first aluminum-canned beer in 1971 and launched Japan’s first dry beer, ASAHI SUPER DRY in 1987. Asahi continues to improve the taste of their beer, as well as invent more innovative products.

What’s ON? What’s OFF?

Don’t be put off by the “OFF” sign on the can because it doesn’t mean “keep off”. Instead, it means a 85% cut in purine and 70% in carbs and sugar*.

Yeah, so? Purine is a natural substance found in the cells of our body that contribute to part of the chemical structure of our genes. When cells die and get recycled, purine in their genetic material also get broken down and then metabolized into uric acid. It’s essential for uric acid to be formed in the body as it serves as an antioxidant that helps prevent damage to our blood vessel linings.

We need purine in our diet but too much of anything is ugly.

When Uric acid levels in blood and other parts of the body become too high and accumulate in the form of uric acid crystals that deposit in our tendons, joints, kidneys, and other organs, the risk of getting gout increases, too.

* Compared to other Asahi Beers

The Taste, The Season and The Way

To be honest, anything low-fat, fat-free, sugar-free does not taste as good as the original version most of the time. For those of you who had Asahi OFF before 2011, please give this humble little beer another chance. It has been newly improved in spring 2011 so it has now a fuller body with the same refreshing aftertaste.

The color is a little brown. A lower alcohol content of 4.5% compared to an average Japanese Lager Beer, this is an angel beer that is kind on your kidney, your blood, your brain… well, if you don’t really care, in beer language it means you are less likely to get drunk with this beer (Another “OFF” factor)..

A cold beer on a hot summer night with mates gathered around the backyard gazing up the starry sky is the typical beer image. As Australia is a beer country, beer isn’t really seasonally here. I bet Tasmanians would still down 1 keg of beer in freezing cold winter months.

For beer’s sake, beer ALWAYS tastes the best when chilled. Just watch while you drink to prevent a brain freeze.

Here are some recipes that  go well with beer as well as go easy on the waistline!

(Click on the images for recipes)


Edamame & Tuna Mayo Salad / Edamame, Ham and Corn Salad

 Edamame Tomato Sauce Salad / Stir-fried Carrots with Pollock roe

Spicy Chilli Konnyaku / Kinpira Sauteed Burdock Root   


Stir-fried Shirataki(Noodle Konnyaku) with Pollock Roe / San-J Shirataki Noodle                       



Brown Sugar Jelly with Fruits

Get your carton of 24 cans and celebrate with your mates today. Because each and everyone of you are unique and that’s what make everyday special. Isn’t this a good enough reason?

In case you don’t know, YOU ROCK!!


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