Fukushima Youth Ambassadors in Australia 2013

It’s been nearly 2 years since the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Incident. 2 years may seem like it went by with a blink of an eye for us, but to the Fukushima residents, especially the children, are still suffering and living in concern for the ongoing radioactivity problem.

From 23 March – 1 April, 12 junior high students from Minamisoma will visit Melbourne for 8 days with sponsorship from international NGO ‘Peace Boat’ in co-operation with Melbourne-based organisation ‘Japan for Peace’ (JfP) and various NGOs.

Youth ambassadors in Sri Lanka, 2011

The ‘Fukushima Youth Ambassadors’ project was initiated by Peace Boat after the earthquake disaster in 2011. So far this project has brought the children to three Asian countries in 2011 and travelled across the Pacific from Mexico in 2012. This year the youth ambassadors will be having a homestay experience and go on an excursion to CERES (environment sustainability centre) and Hepburn Wind Farm where they will see how Australians tackle environmental issues and visit local secondary schools for a cultural exchange. Later on, they will travel to Phillip Island to explore the nature in Victoria.


In order for this project to be a success, we really need your help and we sincerely hope you can lend us your support.

– Peace Boat and Japanese for Peace Members



Here are some of the ways in which you can help:

Monetary donation

Bank Transfer
BSB: 633-000
Account No: 126429703
Account Name: Japanese for Peace
Please write ‘Fukushima’ in the Reference section

Address for mailed cheques
Japanese for Peace
PO BOX 215, Seddon VIC 3011

Goods and services donation
We are looking for restaurant owners who are able to provide lunch or dinner for the children and tour companies for transportation. We are planning to hold a fundraiser as well, so we welcome all goods and services, big and small. Please contact us for more information.

There will be various preparations that need to be carried out before and during the children’s stay. If you would like to help us out, please contact us by all means.

We thank you all for your support in advance.

For enquires please contact:
E-mail: fukushimayouthambassadors@gmail.com
Tel: 0413-849-984(Kazu, JfP Representative)


‘Children of Fukushima’ Project Blog pbv.or.jp/blog_fukushima/
JfP Website www.jfp.org.au /

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