Melbourne International Animation Festival

24 June 2013

The annual Melbourne International Animation Festival (MIAF) will be held in the ACMI theatres located in Federation Square from 20 – 30 June. This year they have invited world-renowned animator, Koji Yamamura whose work has been nominated in the four major animation film festivals in Annecy (France), Zagreb (Croatia), Ottawa (Canada) and Hiroshima (Japan). He is currently a lecturer in the prestigious Tokyo University of the Arts.

Of Yamamura’s portfolio of work, his most acclaimed, award-winning films include the Cristal d’Annecy-winning Atamayama (Mt. Head) and the Ottawa Grand Prize and Ofuji Noburo Award-winning Kafuka: Inaka Isha (A Country Doctor).

Animating Japanese children’s programs in the 90s, he wishes to familiarise himself with the genre instead. This year you’ll be able to view a selection of Yamamura’s work and kids will be lucky enough to participate in the Koji Yamamura Kids Program. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience the splendid collection of his fine animation.

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Koji Yamamura Retrospective + Q&A: Sun 23 June, 7.00pm
Koji Yamamura is a living treasure. His films redefine the term ‘enchanting’ and his technique and style define him as a true master animator. His earlier career was marked by a body of stunning, utterly beguiling and ageless children’s animation. His latter work is aimed more at adults and has an uncanny ability to reach in and attach itself to the part of our imaginations we thought we had surrendered years ago. On top of that, he is also a teacher at the Tokyo University of the Arts which turns out one of the world’s finest graduation classes year after year.

Koji travels to MIAF to present these three separate facets of his animated work in three programs. As well as an opportunity to experience a stunning collection of exceptional animation, this is a chance for a comprehensive, up close insight into one of the greatest animating imaginations working today.
More info:

Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate Highlights: Friday 21 June @ 6:00pm
Legendary Japanese animator Koji Yamamura (MIAF13 SPECIAL GUEST) will introduce this collection which looks exclusively at 2013 graduate works from the course he has so dramatically re-energised at the Tokyo University of the Arts. Under his direction, the course has become a creative powerhouse of the Japanese animation scene and the world is beginning to sit up and take notice.
More info:

Koji Yamamura Kids Program: Sat 29 June, 2.00pm
More info:

RENDER: 2 day Animation Conference featuring special guest Koji Yamamura: Fri 21-Sat 22 June (

For more details, please visit the MIAF and ACMI websites.



MIAF is proudly supported by: Screen Australia, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Deakin University

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