To give a diverse range of EXPERIENCES in both traditional + modern Japanese culture

New style of Japan Culture Festival – See, Learn, Make and Enjoy Japanese Culture 

1– Performances (on the stage) :

…Japanese Drums, Shamisen, Ninja Show, Dance, live music, Fashion show, Chiors etc. check the program below!

2-Art work (on the wall and hall) :

…Photos, Drawing, Paints, art works etc – Amazing and unusual arts!

3-Work shop (inside the main hall) :

…Tea Celemoney, Calligraphy, Shogi, languages, Origami, Gal make-up, Kami-zome, Kiri-e, Kimono wearing, Japanese traditional toys, Samurai Hair setting, Wrapping, sumi-e drawing and more!

4-Food (You do not have to wait in a queue… shop assistants are walking around the hall to serve you food – this is a Japanese Style!!!):

…Onigiri, Bento, Sushi, snacks, Dorayaki etc etc

♪♪♪ Program on the stage ♪♪♪

10:30 Open – 開場
11:00~11:10 Okinawa Sanshin Music by Ichimadin
沖縄三線 (いちまでぃん)
11:10~11:25 Improvisation Jam Music 即興音楽by Taste of Chai
11:25~11:40 Modern Dance – Gorie & AKB
11:40~11:55 Japanese Music Cover Band 日本カバー曲集
11:55~12:15 Japanese Drumming by Wadaiko Rindo

12:15~13:00 Wadaiko Rindo (Japanese Drumming) workshop on
stage (ステージは12:15~13:00まで和太鼓りんどうによる和太鼓の

13:00~14:45 Workshop session with light stage
entertainment. Take a look around!

13:10~13:30 Anime song アニメソング by Elodie
13:30~13:55 Japanese contemporary music by DJ Masaru
& Fashion showファッションショーby LIC 
13:55~14:15 Acoustic music by Enough & Blues by Ryoki
14:15~14:30 Classic music クラシック演奏
14:30~14:40 Street Dance

14:45~15:10 George Kamikawa & Noriko Tadano
15:10~15:20 Calligraphy demo by Junko Azukawa
15:20~15:35 Japanese Traditional Enka,Blues, Surf Music, Folk
演歌ブルース音楽 by Ready Set Band
15:35~15:50 “Best Friend” by Arigato Choir
アリガトウ合唱団 「Best friend」「世界に一つだけの
15:50~16:00 Ninja performance by Sakushin Ninjutsu
16:00~16:10 Sukiyaki Song with everyone 「上を向いて歩こう(全員で)」

16:30 Close – 閉場

It is “Culture day (Bunka no hi)” on November 3rd in Japan.
There are many Japanese people living in Melbourne who have great skills but do not have many places to present their abilities,
while there are many Australian people who love Japan and Japanese Culture.
These people do not have many opportunities to experience both traditional and modern Japanese culture.
All Performers, artists and work shop teachers are volunteers and happy to contribute their skills.
This event will not only help people understand and experience Japan’s beautiful culture but also make a stronger bridge between Australian and Japanese people in Melbourne.

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