
【ICHIBA JUNCTION】 What’s Satsumaage?

– Mother’s cooking taste. Good match with any dishes –
Satsumaage is one of the deep-fried fish paste cakes. It was good as a disposal method of fish which is too small to cook for sashimi or simmered dishes, or have a lot of small bones in it when high fish catches.

【ICHIBA JUNCTION】 Super Umami-rich Dashi Stock

“Soup stock” is indispensable to Japanese foods. It is not exaggeration for Japanese people even if saying that I eat every day.Noodles, stewed food, hotpot and pickles can use it widely; literally “all-around seasoning”. A pinch of salt or light soy sauce to dashi stock, and the taste and fragrance just takes off for the cosmos.


It is the arrival in “the autumn of the appetite ” to be able to fully taste seasonal food while getting deepen in autumn, and healing the stomach which weakened in the summer in a harvest season.
For Monthly Special of Ichiba Junction, rice is an appearance in such a season.

【ICHIBA JUNCTION】 Yamagataya Seaweed Gift Series Arrival!

Yamagataya was established in Nihonbashi, Tokyo by Sohachi Kubota who came out of Oshu in the Edo era (1764); and their history is more than 240 years. The name of the shop yearned for the far-off hometown Yamagata prefecture and to be named.
Yamagataya where continue following tradition from generation to generation and still notice at a position as a long-established store of “nori seaweed” in Japan.